We are Kim & Aaron, also known as the founders of Moon Valley Organics!

About Kim:
I am the wife, mother, hardworking co author, herbalist of Moon Valley! I take care of all the things with legs on the farm. I love beekeeping and my two handsome cattle dogs. My heart is deeply tied to my thought that all living creatures have rights and I want to live my life with that in mind.

Favorite thing about Moon Valley:
The stories of how our products are bringing relief, healing, and comfort to those with skin ailments continue to be my motivation. The learning that never stops.

About Aaron:
I am the husband, father, farmer, herbal grower and creative guru. If it has roots on our land I have a very intimate relationship with it! I am a wild life lover and protector. I also just simply enjoy being in and around all things wild.

Favorite thing about Moon Valley:
My favorite thing would be spreading knowledge and encouraging passion for organic farming, habitat protection and safeguarding the creatures that live in them.

With great dedication and love we have shared our life's with Moon Valley Organics.
1 comment
I absolutely love your products! Thank you for making them!